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Now downloading free:IBM C28-8142_IBM_Standard_Tape_Label_1963

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File No. GENL 20 Form C28-8142 Systems Reference Library IBM Standard Tape Label This publication describes the format of the IBM standard tape label and the conventions for its use. The publication for any program that implements the standard label will indicate that the program does so. The standard label was designed for use on tapes for the following tape units: 1. IBM 729 II, III, IV, V, and VI Magnetic Tape Units 2. IBM 7330 Magnetic Tape Units 3. IBM 7340 Hypertape Drives The IBM standard tape label contains 120 alphameric positions and serves as both a header label and a trailer label. There are two types of trailer labels: end-of-file (EOF) trailer labels and end-of-reel (EOR) trailer labels. iJ 19F3. by Internati~nal Business Machines Corporation Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices. Address comments concerning the contents of this publication to Programming Systems Publications, IBM Corporation, P. o. Box 390, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. TAPE FORMATS AND LABELING RECORDING METHOD Figure 1 illustrates the use of the standard label in All header and trailer labels must be written in the basic tape data formats and on data tapes contain- binary coded decimal (even parity) regardless of the ing physical tape records (blocks) of checkpoint data. recording method used for the data in the body of the The various tape formats are described below. file. Single-Reel File MODE (7340)LABELS A single-reel file is a single file contained on a single reel of tape. The first block is the standard label; On 7340 tapes, both header and trailer labels must this is followed by a tape mark. The data blocks come be written in the unpacked mode, regardless of the next; the last data block is followed by a tape mark. mode in which the data records are written. This tape mark is followed by an EOF trailer label and then another tape mark. Multi - File Reel NOTES ON STANDARD LABEL FORMAT 1. Decimal notation is to be used in all label fields A multi-file reel is a single reel of tape containing containing numerical data. two or more files. Each of these files is identical 2. Positions 6, 36, and 41 of the standard label are to a single-reel file. not to be used. The user is not to assume that these positions will remain blank at all times. Multi-Reel File A multi-reel file is a single file contained on two or

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