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Now downloading free:Keithley 2701PortClose

Keithley 2701PortClose free download

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Product(s) : Digital Multimeter/Switch Systems: 2701 Question : How do I close the port on the 2701 to enable me to communicate with the instrument after a dropped connection. Answer: The 2701 allows a single connection to the instrument at a time. Beginning with firmware version A06, an update was done to enhance the ability of the 2701 to sense when the connection is lost from the host program and close the connection automatically. If you have an earlier version of the firmware, you can obtain version A06 from our web site. An additional feature was added to allow the connection to be closed manually from a remote location. If the connection is lost due to a network failure between the 2701 and the computer that is communicating, a second port is now available to allow the main connection to be closed. This is done by opening up port number 2842 and sending the SCPI command ":SYSTem:ETHernet:SOCKet:RESet". This will close the main connection on port 1394. Once this has been done, port 1394 will again accept a connection request to resume normal communications. Note that any commands or transfers that were in progress when communications were lost may not have been processed. Port 2842 is only able to accept the ":SYSTem:ETHernet:SOCKet:RESet" command. All other instrument commands must be sent to 1394. Please visit the download center of for programming examples that show how to use this secondary port.

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