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HIGH RESISTANCE MEASUREMENTS Karl-Peter Lallmann Fluke Deutschland GmbH Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 11 34123 Kassel / Germany Phone:++49 561 9594 651 Fax: ++49 561 9594 609 E-mail: [email protected] Abstract This paper describes the accredited calibration methodology used in the Calibration Laboratory operated by Fluke Germany. It is based on the use of a High-Ohms Resistance Bridge made by Measurement International together with appropriate Resistance Standards from 10 k to 10 M from Guildline and Russian made Resistance Standards from 100 M to 1G . Indroduction The calibration of Standard Resistors in the range from 10 k to 1 G is based on the use of a High-Ohms Resis- tance Bridge, model 6000B, made by Measurement International/Canada (MI) and the use of Standard Resistors from 10 k to 1 G. The Model 6000B from MI is a binary voltage divider which measures the ratio between the connected known and unknown resistors with very low uncertainty. The ratio follows the following equation: RX V1 - V 2 V 1/E - V 2 /E r1 - r 2 V= = = = RN V 3 - V 4 V 3 /E - V 4 /E r 3 - r 4 The value of the unknown resistor is calculated as follows: R X = R N

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