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Now downloading free:Keithley 194A_900_01A

Keithley 194A_900_01A free download

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USING THIS GUIDE This reference and programming guide contains condensed specifications, a summary of front panel operating controls. and IEEE-488 programming commands and examples for the Models 194A. 1941, and 1944A. It is intended to pro- vide a quick reference to the many available features of your instrument as well as the many programming commands available to control the instrument over the IEEE-488 bus. Because of the limited amount space available in this guide. many details abourinstrument operation will not be found here. Refer to the Model 194A Instwction Manual for aspects of instrument operation not covered in this guide. This guide describes the following aspects of the Model 194A: l Front panel operation including XY mode. l A description of mathematical functions. * Input and output signal connections. l IEEE-488 programming information, including commands, data and status formats. and exampkprograms for typical COntrOllers. 01989, Keithley Instruments. Inc. 28775 Aurora Road Cleveland, Ohio 44139 Document Number: 194A-900-01 Rev. A 1 CONTENTS CONDENSED SPECIFICATIONS .~. . . 4 ENGlNEERlNG "NITS CONVERSION . .~. .~.~.~.._5 SAFElYPRECAUTIONS... 6 FRONT PANEL FEATURES AND OPERATlON.. . 7 Display Annunciators Genera, Display Messages Shift Functions Mathematical Functions Ratio and Difference Modes Range Data Entry Programmable Parameters Rate and Samples Programming Recalling Data Trigger Channel Selection Input Coupling Zero Filter FRONT PANEL PROGRAMS., _~__~_ 25 SetUP- status Reset XY Mode INPUT AND OUTPUT CONNECTIONS . 3, A/D Module InpuffOutput Connections Analog Output Connections Enernal Clock IEEE-466 PROGRAMMING. _, 36 Device-dependent Commands TRANSLATOR MODE.. _. _ .~__ _ _~~ 56 CONTROLLER PROGRAMS t t __ _ __ 56 IBM XT or PC (with CEC Interface1 Hewlett-Pock& 300 Series Compac ASCII CHARACTER CODES AND IEEE-466 MULTILINE INTERFACE COMMAND MESSAGES 62 3 CONDENSED SPECIFICATIONS INPUT IMPEDANCE: MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM SAMPLING RATE: lMHz , I 1MO in parallel with less than 47pF. INPUT: 260" peak, 2 x 10'" Hz. et 6.bit resolution; 100kHz et 16.bit resolution. MATH FUNCTIONS: Average, Peak, Peak-to-Peak, TRMS, Standard Deviation, Integral, Waveform. FRONT PANEL PROGRAMS: IEEE-466 Address, Self Test, Digital Calibr

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