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Now downloading free:Keithley 195T_RevA_DocSpec

Keithley 195T_RevA_DocSpec free download

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Descr: Keithley 195 195T_RevA_DocSpec.pdf
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MAXIMUM LEA" RESISTANCE leach lead): 4wirr: 25". 3-wire: IS". SENSOR CURRENT: ImA rms maxinwm. BENCH READING RATE: 1.2 readings/second. MAXIMUM COMMON MOUE VOLTAGE: SCOV f42V wilh Model 195 connected). COMMON MODE REIECTION: Less than O.WS"C/volt at DC. 50Hzas WHz l,@,ff unbalance. LO driven). MAXIMVM ALLOWABLE INPUT: 3&W peak, 2SOV rmr. ACCESSORIES SUPPLIED: Model 1951 Input Adapter. Model 869 General Purpose~lmmcrrion f'mbe (4.wire). ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE: Model ,951: fnput Adapter Model 8691: Connector Kit (enables connecting IO 3- or 4.wire RTW ITD TYPE: lOOff platinum. DIN 43 760 or IPTS-68. prowmmablr alpha Model 8693: General Purpnse/fmmersion Probe (O-wire) and delta. 3. or 4.wire. Model 8695: Surface Probe (4.wire, Model 86%: Air/Gas Probe (4.wire, '- TRI REVISIONS I APP.IDATEIDRN. hi DATE~+~ 1 P A n.-rlz 1.:.+? Keithley Instruments Inc. Cleveland, Ohio 44139

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