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Agilent 8904A Multifunction Synthesizer Catalog Agilent 8904A Waveform Catalog Introduction This catalog is a collection of waveforms created using the Agilent Technologies 8904A Multifunction Synthesizer. This catalog should not be considered a comprehensive list of waveforms possible with the 8904A Multifunction Synthesizer, but only a small sampling. The catalog is intended to give the 8904A user an indication of capabilities of the instrument and stimulate ideas for desired waveforms. In most cases, the waveforms shown can be altered to match an application by changing waveform, their amplitudes or phases, or by summing additional signals. All waveforms shown require Option 001. For detailed instructions on the operation of the 8904A, see the Agilent 8904A Multifunction Synthesizer Basic Operation and Application Guide. Contents No. Description No. Description 1 Shaped pulse train with 50% duty cycle 35 Haver triangles 2 Tilted square wave 36 Tone burst with sine wave envelope 3 Chopped sine wave 37 Single-sideband with carrier present 100% depth 4 Variable duty cycle pulses-- 38 Half of AM signal duty cycles 0% to 50% 39 One-sided AM 5 Variable duty cycle pulses-- 40 Phase alternating single-cycle sine wave duty cycles 50% to 100% 41 Four-level stair-step 6 Two-tone FSK with 50% duty cycle 42 Eight-level stair-step 7 ILS two-tone composite signal 43 Sixteen-level stair-step 8 Band-limited pulse simulation 44 Negative phase-continuous frequency sweep 9 Half-wave rectified sine wave 45 Alternating frequency tone bursts 10 SCR-triggered sine wave 46 Simultaneous bursts of two tones 11 IHF dynamic headroom burst 47 Amplitude sweeps 12 FM broadcast stereo composite signal 48 Four frequency tone bursts 13 VHF omnidirectional range (VOR) composite signal 49 Band-limited digital noise 14 Phase-continuous frequency sweep 50 Stair-step frequency sweep 15 Two-level sine wave burst with 50% duty cycle 51 Stair-step amplitude sweep 16 Gated sine wave burst with 50% duty cycle 52 Sine wave with added phase noise 17 Single cycle sine wave burst 53 Sine wave with amplitude noise 18 Full wave rectified sine wave 54 Sine wave with added noise 19 Distorted AM due to capcitive coupling of carrier past 55 Sine wave with FM noise the AM modulator 56 Asymmetric

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