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Now downloading free:Keithley PE05

Keithley PE05 free download

Mother board, main board pcb info and schematics

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Descr: Keithley 2001 ds PE05.PDF
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PF PD PE SINGLE-PHASE FULL WAVE BRIDGE 1.5AMPERES THROUGH 5.0 AMPERES FOR P.C. BOARD AND POWER TERMINAL MOUNTING PF SERIES PD SERIES PE SERIES gnition dicates reco This mark in nent program of mpo under the co ries, inc. Laborato Underwriters PRV/Leg 50V 100V 200V 400V 600V 800V 1000V 1.5 Amp SERIES PF05 PF10 PF20 PF40 PF60 PF80 PF100 2.0 Amp SERIES PD05 PD10 PD20 PD40 PD60 PD80 PD100 5.0 Amp SERIES PE05 PE10 PE20 PE40 PE60 PE80 PE100 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS PER LEG (at TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Specified) PF FD PE Average Output Current, Io @ 25 C Tc (Fig.1) 1.5 2 5 Amp Max. Forward Voltage Drop VF=1.2 V @ IF = 1.0 1.0 2.5 Amp o Max. DC Reverse Current @ PRV and 25 C, I R 5.0 5.0 5.0 A Max. Peak Surge Current,IFSM(8.3 ms) 50 50 150 Amp Forward Current, Repetitive Peak, I FRM 4.5 6.0 15 Amp - 55 to -55 to + 150 o C Ambient Operating Temperature Range, TA +125 o Storage Temperature Range, TSTG -55 to +150 C NOTES: Maxinum lead and terminal temperature for soldering, 3/8 inch from case,5 seconds at 250 OC EDI reserves the right to change these specifications at any time without notice.

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