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Now downloading free:Keithley ne5534

Keithley ne5534 free download

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NE5534, NE5534A, SA5534. SA5534A LOW-NOISE OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS SLOS070C - JULY 1979 - REVISED SEPTEMBER 2004 D Equivalent Input Noise Voltage . . . NE5534, SA5534 . . . D (SOIC), P (PDIP), 3.5 nV//Hz Typ OR PS (SOP) PACKAGE NE5534A, SA5534A . . . D (SOIC) OR P (PDIP) PACKAGE D Unity-Gain Bandwidth . . . 10 MHz Typ (TOP VIEW) D Common-Mode Rejection Ratio . . . BALANCE 1 8 COMP/BAL 100 dB Typ IN- 2 7 VCC+ D High DC Voltage Gain . . . 100 V/mV Typ IN+ 3 6 OUT D Peak-to-Peak Output Voltage Swing VCC- 4 5 COMP 32 V Typ With VCC+ = +18 V and RL = 600 W D High Slew Rate . . . 13 V/ms Typ D Wide Supply-Voltage Range +3 V to +20 V D Low Harmonic Distortion D Offset Nulling Capability D External Compensation Capability description/ordering information The NE5534, NE5534A, SA5534, and SA5534A are high-performance operational amplifiers combining excellent dc and ac characteristics. Some of the features include very low noise, high output-drive capability, high unity-gain and maximum-output-swing bandwidths, low distortion, and high slew rate. These operational amplifiers are compensated internally for a gain equal to or greater than three. Optimization of the frequency response for various applications can be obtained by use of an external compensation capacitor between COMP and COMP/BAL. The devices feature input-protection diodes, output short-circuit protection, and offset-voltage nulling capability with use of the BALANCE and COMP/BAL pins (see the application circuit diagram). For the NE5534A and SA5534A, a maximum limit is specified for the equivalent input noise voltage. Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of

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