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Now downloading free:Keithley AMM1 500RevB DocSpec

Keithley AMM1 500RevB DocSpec free download

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w AM1 Analog Measurement Rodule - SPECIFICATIONS =2 :r zp Input Channels Global: 9 inputs from slots Z-10 22 Local: 8 single-ended 25 Global Programmable Gain Amplifier: Software prograrnnable gains: xl, x2, x5, x10 Input range: xl, +lOV x2, T 5v x5. T 2v x10, T 1v AAccuracy:xl,xZ,G&, + (O.O1$+50uV),x5,xlO,Gain, 2 (O.O15%+5OW Non-linearity: + 0.005% of full scale Temperature coefficient: + (0.001% + 20 uV) /deg C Input noise voltage: 30 "V p-p, O.lHz to 1OKHz Settling time to 0.01%: 6 us Small signal bandwidth: 280KHz Analog to Digital Converter Resolution: 12 bits, 1 part in 4096 Input ranges: + 2.5V, + 5V, + lOV, 0 to + 5V, 0 to + IOV Nonlinearity: + 0.025% (+ 1 lsb) Nonlinearity tgnperature coefficient: + O.O03%/"C Accuracy*: + (0.03% + 1 lsb) Accuracy tenperature coefficient: + (0.0035% + O.llsb)/'C Sample and hold acquisition time: 5 us Conversion time: 25 us max Global 10.000 Volt Reference Accuracy: + 0.01% Temperature coefficient: + O.O02%/deg C Load current: IOmA max Noise: 20 "V p-p, O.lHz to 1oHz 10 "V RMS, 1OHz to 30KHz NOTE: All amplifier specifications are with respect to input. * includes nonlinearity TJD:cp Keithley Instruments Inc. Cleveland. Ohio 44139

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