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IBM Service For Consultants 198208 free download

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--...- - - - .- - - -- -- -- ---- - ---- - SERVICE FOR CONSULTANTS-AUGUST 1982 - - - - --- -----, - ,~, This publication is intended for use by those members of It is the subscriber's responsibility to maintain the current the data processing community who need this information status of the manual by incorporating the updated material in their work as consultants in the field of data processing as received from I BM. Subscribers are requested to contact and/or for those who directly or indirectly assist the users the appropriate I BM branch office prior to incorporating of I BM data processing systems in the installation and material from this reference manual in their evaluation or application of such systems. recommendations since, of necessity, the material may not be complete. It is made available on a subscription basis at $141.95 the first year (including up-to-date manuals, binders and 12 Publishers who may wish to quote from this manual are monthly supplements) and $64.80 for subsequent years (12 invited to contact the I BM Department of Information for monthly supplements only). Requests for subscription technical review of all such material prior to publication should be submitted to the nearest I BM branch office. Filing Instructions The material contained in this manual and the supplements All pages are direct replacements unless noted. thereto has been prepared pri mari Iy for the general guidance of consultants and technical personnel. It includes National Marketing Division-Orange Tabs technical information relative to IBM equipment and programs, but it is not designed to be all-inclusive or to Programming necessarily represent the exact status of equipment or programs at any point in time. Remove File Checklist 1-4 Checklist 1-4 All prices shown are for information purposes only, and are subject to change without notice. Applicable taxes are not Ser/1 1.1 (Contents) Ser/1 1.1 (Contents) shown. I BM products and services are provided under the thru Ser/1 1.

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