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/ , r ---------------- ~---... - ---------------- Towards More Usable Systems: The LSRAD Report Large Systems Requirements for Application Development December 1979 .. . SHARE Inc . Chicago, Illinois 60601 Copyright SHARE Inc., 1979. All Rights Reserved. Published by SHARE Inc., a non-profit Delaware membership corporation. Permission to reprint in whole or in part may be granted for educational and scientific purposes upon written application to the Secretary,One lIlinois Center, 111 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago, lIlinois 6060l. Permission is hereby granted to members of SHARE Inc. to reproduce this publication in whole or in part solely for internal distribution within the member's organization and provided the copyright notice printed above is set forth in full text on the title page of each item reproduced. Printed in the United States of America. iii Preface This is a report of the SHARE Large Systems Requirements for Application Development (LSRAD) task force. This report proposes an evolutionary plan for MVS and VM/370that will lead to simpler, more efficient and more usable operating systems. The report is intended to address two audiences: the users of IBM's large operating systems and the developers of those systems. The views expressed in this report represent those of the individuals participatirtg iii the task force rather than those of the sponsoring corporations. The participants were: Dana M. Becker Bell Laboratories; Naperville, Ill. Jay A. Jonekait Tymshare; Cupertino, Calif. Julie A. Lovinger General Motors Research; Warren, Mich. Bruce S. Marshall Perkin-Elmer Corp; Danbury, Conn. Jay Michlin Exxon Corp; Florham Park, N.J. William Pashwa Bell Laboratories; Piscataway, N.J. Marc Sewell Boeing Computer Services; Seattle, Wash. Carol A. ' Schneier IBM, DSD; Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Richard W. Suko IBM, DSD; Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Albert B. Wilson, Jr. Boeing Computer Services; Seattle, Wash. Acknowledgements The LSRAD task force would like to thank our respective employers for the constant support they have given us in the form of resources and encouragemeJ1t. We further thank the individuals, both within and outside SHARE Inc., who reviewed the various drafts of this report. We would like to acknowledge the contribution of the tec

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