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Now downloading free:Keithley 2522 RFICPA Test

Keithley 2522 RFICPA Test free download

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A G R E AT E R M E A S U R E O F C O N F I D E N C E Keithley Model 2306-VS conditions, such as when cellular phones are placed under charger conditions. Similarly, DC stress voltages are sometimes used to check quickly for die bond quality. Power Sources for The power source should also function as a read-back power supply to measure volt- age, fixed currents, and pulse load currents RFIC Power Amplifier accurately. This eliminates the need for a separate instrument to measure power con- sumption. In addition to standby and trans- Testing mission mode currents, the power supply should have sufficient resolution to monitor sleep mode currents. In today's battery oper- ated products, a measurement resolution as Jerry Janesch low as 100nA is often required . Keithley Instruments, Inc. Avoiding the GPIB Bottleneck T The power source features just described HE RFIC power amplifier (RFIC- high volumes, it's imperative that manufac- are essential, but other production test is- PA) is a critical element of most turers minimize production test time. This sues, especially execution times, must be wireless devices. Therefor

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