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Now downloading free:IBM GC26-3600-7 360 20 Card Programming Support Report Program Generator Oct70

IBM GC26-3600-7 360 20 Card Programming Support Report Program Generator Oct70 free download

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File name:GC26-3600-7_360_20_Card_Programming_Support_Report_Program_Generator_Oct70.pdf
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Model:GC26-3600-7 360 20 Card Programming Support Report Program Generator Oct70 🔎
Original:GC26-3600-7 360 20 Card Programming Support Report Program Generator Oct70 🔎
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File name GC26-3600-7_360_20_Card_Programming_Support_Report_Program_Generator_Oct70.pdf

File No. S360(Mod.20)-28 Order No. GC26-3600-7 CPS Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Model 20 Card Programming Support Report Program Generator This pUblication presents the complete programming specifications for the Model 20 Card Report Program Generator (RPG) -- a problem-oriented programming language. o The reader is assumed to have some understanding of punched-card data processing, but need not have any experience in programming or electronic data processing methods. This manual also includes performance specifications, a list of machine features and units used by the program, numerous illustrations, four complete programming examples, and appendixes that amplify explanations and provide helpful programming hints. o PREFACE o This pUblication describes the Report Pro- However, familiarity with the concepts of gram Generator (RPG) for programming punched-card records and procedures is punched-card data processing applications assumed: programming by any language and on an IBM System/360 Model 20 computer. for any data processing system always pre- RPG is an easy-to-use programming supposes problem definition, and can do no language that does not require any prior more than instruct th'e system to execute programming or data processing experience. the data processing steps previously In conjunction with the Model 20, RPG planned by the user. ~ombinep into an integrated operation the functions performed separately by the following IBM unit record equipment: This manual contains the information necessary for programming jobs for the Reproducing punches Model 20 with the RPG language for punched Collators cards. It is intended as a reference text. Printers Extensive explanatory and illustrative Summary punches material, as well as programming tips and Interpreters technical data, is also included to mini- Calculators. mize the need to consult additional sources. The user is expected to be primarily familiar with his applications and his For a list of associated publications Model 20, rather than with the technical and their abstracts, see IBM System/360 aspects of machine-oriented programming Model 20 Bibliography, Order No. GA26-3565. languages. Experience with unit record

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