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Now downloading free:IBM GX20-1850-3 System370 Reference Summary Nov76

IBM GX20-1850-3 System370 Reference Summary Nov76 free download

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---- - - -- - ----- - -- --- - --- - - --- ------ ---_. - System/370 Reference Summary GX20-1850-3 Fourth Edition (November 1976) This reference summary is a minor revision and does not obsolete the previous edition. Changes include the addition of some new DASD and 3203 printer commands, the EBCPIC control characters GE and R LF, and minor editorial revisions. The card is intended primarily for use by S/370 assembler lan- guage application programmers. It contains basic machine in- formation on Models 115 through 168 summarized from the System/370 Principles of Operation (GA22-7000-4), frequently used information from the VS and VM assembler language manual (GC33-4010), command codes for various I/O devices, and a multi-code translation table. The card will be updated from time to time. However, the above manuals and others cited on the card are the authoritative reference sources and will be first to reflect changes. To distinguish them from instructions carried over from S/360, the names of instructions essentially new with S/370 are shown in italics. Some machine instructions are optional or not available for some models. For those that are available on a particular model, the user is referred to the appropriate systems reference manual. For a particular installation, one must ascertain which optional hardware features and programming system(s) have been installed. The floating-point and extended floating-point instructions, as well as the instructions listed below, are not standard on every model. Monitoring (the MC instruction) is not available on the Model 165, except by field installation on purchased models. Conditional swapping CDS, CS CPU timer and clock comparator SCKC, SPT, STCKC, STPT Direct control RDD,WRD Dynamic address translation LRA, PTLB, RRB, STNSM, STOSM Input/output CLRIO,SIOF Multiprocessing SIGP, SPX, STAP, STPX PSW key handling IPK,SPKA Comments about this publication may be sent to the address below. All comments and suggestions become the property of IBM. IBM Corporation, Technical Publications/Systems, Dept. 824, 1133 Westchester Avenue, White Ptains, "N.Y. 10604. MACHINE INSTRUCTIONS NAME MNEMONIC OP COOE FOR

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