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Now downloading free:IBM C28-6516-2 IBM OS360 COBOL Language Dec64

IBM C28-6516-2 IBM OS360 COBOL Language Dec64 free download

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File No. 8360-24 Form C28-6Sl6-2 Systems Reference Library i IBJvI Operating System/360 COBOL Language COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) is similar to English. It was developed by the Conference of Data Systems Languages {CODASY~. COBOL provides a convenient method of coding programs to handle commercial data processing problems. This publication describes COBOL as implemented for the IBM Operating System/360. Two COBOL compilers are implemented for Operating System/360, called COBOL E and COBOL F. Differences between the features implemented by the two compilers are ,discussed in the preface. IBM extensions to COBOL are also discussed in the preface. This publication discusses the four divisions of a COBOL program and describes the following special features of System/360 COBOL: 1. Report Writer Feature 2. Sort Feature 3. Source Program Library Facility 4. Specifications for the Sterling Currency Feature and International Considerations ( 5. COBOL DebUgging Language Three appendixes are included: 1. A list of definitions of terms in COBOL formats 2. A COBOL word list 3. 'A sample problem on asynchronous processing This publication provides the programmer with rules for writing programs in COBOL for System/360. Users unacquainted with COBOL should first familiarize themselves with the publication: COBOL: General Information Manual, Form F28-8053-2. ,- PREFACE The features implemented in COBOL E are a subset of the features implemented in COBOL F. Statements common to both COBOL E and COBOL F, when processed by the COBOL E Compiler, produce results equivalent to those compiled by the COBOL F Compiler. The features of COBOL that are not being implemented in COBOL E are marked in the margin of this publication by the words "F Only." These features are the following: 1. Asynchronous Processing a. Options 3 and 4 of the APPLY clause b. The USE FOR RANDOM PROCESSING sentence c. The HOLD statement d. The PROCESS statement 2. The CORRESPONDING option of the ADD, SUBTRACT, and MOVE statements. 3. The Report Writer Feature 4. The Sort Feature 5. Implied subjects and relations in compound conditions 6. Nested IF statements The following features will be available in COBOL E, but with restricted forms: 1. The DEPENDING ON option of the OCCURS clause 2. The Sterling Currency feature 3. The EXHIBIT statement The following features will not be available the initial release of COBOL E: 1. The Extended Source Program Library Facility 2. Random Access a. The ORGANIZATION clause

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