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Now downloading free:IBM Y20-0013-0 BTAM Terminal-Dependent Modifications 1966

IBM Y20-0013-0 BTAM Terminal-Dependent Modifications 1966 free download

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File name:Y20-0013-0_BTAM_Terminal-Dependent_Modifications_1966.pdf
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Model:Y20-0013-0 BTAM Terminal-Dependent Modifications 1966 🔎
Original:Y20-0013-0 BTAM Terminal-Dependent Modifications 1966 🔎
Descr: IBM 360 os btam Y20-0013-0_BTAM_Terminal-Dependent_Modifications_1966.pdf
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File name Y20-0013-0_BTAM_Terminal-Dependent_Modifications_1966.pdf

IBM Y20-0013-0 SALES and SYSTEMS GUIDE Operating System/360 BTAM User's Guide Terminal--'Dependent Modifications Preliminary Edition This publication contains detailed information on the structure and operation of the Basic Telecommunicatiolils Access Method (BTAM) program support. It is designed to aid programmers who need to make terminal-dependent modifi- cations to BTAM. An example is included showing the modifications necessary for an IBM 2740 terminal. This manual is being released at the present level (corresponding to the BTAM level described inC28-6553-0) to benefit those who need early information on BTAM operation and mod ification. It does not replace IBM Operating Sys- tem/360, Telecommunications: Prel iminary Specifications (C28-6553), nor will it replacE~ the yet to be released Telecommunications Program Logic Manual, both of which are to be referred to for final information on BTAM support. RESTRICTED DISTRIBUTION CONTENTS Introduction.

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