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Now downloading free:Agilent 5990-3764EN femtocell final 5990-3764EN femtocell final c20090415 [4]

Agilent 5990-3764EN femtocell final 5990-3764EN femtocell final c20090415 [4] free download

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File name 5990-3764EN_femtocell_final 5990-3764EN_femtocell_final c20090415 [4].pdf

Solutions for Femtocell Manufacturing Accelerating delivery of quality, low-cost femtocells to market Application Note Overview Problem Femtocells (3GPP Home Node B for W-CDMA/ As service providers stand ready for mass HSPA and enhanced Home Node B for LTE) are deployment of femtocells, manufacturers now low-power wireless access points that connect face unprecedented challenges to quickly deliver standard mobile devices to a mobile operator's quality, low-cost devices to market. Limiting test network via residential DSL or cable broadband. is one way to improve production throughput. While a compelling entrant into the broadband Since femtocells are subject to stringent CPE (Consumer Premises Equipment) market requirements on interference, compatibility dominated by Wireless LANs, femtocells are tests between the device and the network forcing manufacturers to confront a number of (e.g., self-organizing network, handovers), and test considerations; namely cost, quality and adherence to the 3GPP's rigorous verification volume. Early femtocells are costly (roughly and conformance document, limited testing is not $100-$300), multiformat (e.g., may require GPS, an option--at least not during early production. support for W-CDMA, LTE or WiMAXTM, etc...), As femtocell volumes rise, manufacturers may operate in the licensed spectrum, and face strin- continue to run a large number of tests to get the gent conformance requirements. Achieving high quality they need, with long test times, opposing volumes and driving down cost requires every the manufacturers desire to streamline produc- aspect of the manufacturer's design through tion and drive down cost. Manufacturers may production to be streamlined. The ultimate also want to produce multiple femtocell products goal is to reduce test times while maintaining (e.g., a WiMAX and a W-CDMA femtocell), quality, a difficult task since some designs will demanding separate test equipment and further be unstable at first launch and require rigorous driving up cost. conformance testing and verification of complex functionality (e.g., network sniffer mode, Rx sensitivity) and new formats. Addressing these constraints demands fast test equipment with just enough performance to enable rigorous verification early in production and less testing as volumes increase. Solution Achieving comparable test times with Wireless LANs under these conditions will be challenging, especially given their 1 to 2 minute test time bench marks. Femtocell test times may be 5 to 10 times greater. Manufacturers can successfully navigate this challenge by employing low-cost test equipment that easily scales to meet their throughput and test requirements without compromising performance and quality. Support for multiple formats is also important as it enables man

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