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Now downloading free:Keithley 131RevB DocSpec

Keithley 131RevB DocSpec free download

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Model:131RevB DocSpec 🔎
Original:131RevB DocSpec 🔎
Descr: Keithley 131 131RevB_DocSpec.pdf
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v I-"lil#"AJL" If cm Specifications g E Ir ; :z ,g LL 0. a c/; MAXMUM ALLOWABLE INPUT: XCW DC or peak AC non- MAXlMUM ALLOWABLE INPUT: IWOV peak non-switched. witched, 75oV peak switched 7JOV peak witched: continuous except 200mV range; 15 set max fNP"T RESISTANCE: IOMf, above 3wv N&fjM&MODE REIECTION RATIO: Greater than 46dB aI ,NP"T IMPEDANCE: lOMff shunted by Im than K.,pF RESPONSE: Aversgc rcspanding. calibrated in mr af P sine wave COhiMON "ODE REIEC'I1ON RATIO: Grcaler than 1WdB at *Above 10 ccmnts DC. SOHz and MHz ,Ik" unbalance) DC CURRENT AC CURRENT MAXlMUM FULL SCALE ACWJCY~C'EAR, 0 0 FZR-FEF f(0.75% rdg + Id, 0.25" zk(O.75% r& + Id) fV3.75% & + Id) E.2 f(Z% rdg + ld) 0.7 v fIZ% rds + Id) 0.3 v OVERLOAD PROTECTION: mA input: 2A fuse ,250W. externally acnrrible; 10A input: 20.4 for 15 yc unfused RESISTANCE GENERAL ACCLJJ~Y~~EAR, DISPLAY: x&digit LCD, 0.c height, with P"Lrity and range in- RANGE RESOLUTION * o dication. lahn" *(OS% rdg + 4dl OVERRANGE INDICATION: 3 least rianticant dinitr blanked. `2 k: fkL2% rdg + Id) 20 k" 1: I: fKU% rdg + ldl OPERATlNC ENVIRONMENT: 0" t" 50

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