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Now downloading free:Keithley 4290RevA DocSpec

Keithley 4290RevA DocSpec free download

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Model 4290 Calibration System Specifications DESCRIPTION The Model 4290 Calibration System was specifically designed to facilitate calibration and verification of the Keithley Model 4200 Semiconductor Characterization System. In general terms, the Model 4290 is a collection of calibration resistors whose values are known precisely. The resistors are characterized (measured precisely) prior to calibration and verification of the 4200-SCS. After characterization, the calibration resistors are used in conjunction with a precision voltmeter to accurately measure currents ranging from 10-15 amps to 1 amp. The Model 4290 is comprised of a Keithley Model 2002 Digital Multi-Meter, Keithley Model 708A Switching Matrix, and Keithley Model 7177 Reference Card (containing the calibration resistors). The Model 4290 can be configured for multi-channel operation by adding Model 708As and Model 7177s. Each channel consists of a 708A / 7177 pair and is referred to as a System Reference Unit (SRU). Software to characterize the Model 4290 SRUs and calibrate & verify the Model 4200-SCS is included with each Model 4200-SCS. SPECIFICATION CONDITIONS Specifications are the performance standards against which each channel of the Model 4290 is tested. The NOMINAL RESISTANCE, RN, accuracies are specified at the termination of the supplied output cables, after 4 hour warm-up. * T = 23C +/-5C * RH between 5% and 60%, non-condensing. The CHARACTERIZATION RESISTANCE, RCH, accuracies are specified at the termination of the supplied output cables, after 4 hour warm- up. * Within 24 hours of the resistor characterization process. Refer to the Keithley Model 4290 User's Manual for more information. * T = TCH +/-4C, where TCH is the temperature when the resistors were characterized. T must be between 18C and 28C. * RH = RHCH +/-5%, where RHCH is the relative humidity when the resistors were characterized. RH must be between 5% and 60%, non- condensing. NOMINAL RESISTANCE, RN CHARACTERIZATION RESISTANCE, RCH CHARACTERIZATION LIMITS 4 LOW IMPEDANCE HI IMPEDANCE CONDITIONS 3 OUTPUTS 1 OUTPUTS 2 VALUE ACCURACY VALUE ACCURACY VALUE ACCURACY CURRENT VOLTAGE MAX 5 MAX (OHMS) +/- (%) (OHMS) +/- (PPM) (OHMS) +/- (PPM) (AMPS) (VOLTS) CURRENT VOLTAGE (AMPS) (VOLTS) 1 1.00 (Note 6) 200 n/a unspecified 7.2 mA 7.2 mV 1.7 A 1.7 V 10 1.00

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