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Now downloading free:Agilent English 2012-10-01 PDF 355 KB 5991-1129EN c20121018 [4]

Agilent English 2012-10-01 PDF 355 KB 5991-1129EN c20121018 [4] free download

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File name:English _ 2012-10-01 _ PDF 355 KB 5991-1129EN c20121018 [4].pdf
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File name English _ 2012-10-01 _ PDF 355 KB 5991-1129EN c20121018 [4].pdf

Agilent 33500 Series Waveform Generators Waveform Sequencing Technical Overview The Agilent 33500 Series waveform generators include A sequence is simply an ordered list of arbitrary waveforms an embedded waveform editor that allows you to create a that run one after another at a specified sample rate. You wide range of arbitrary waveforms up to 1 million samples can create a sequence in SCPI with the DATA:SEQuence long, or up to 16 million samples with the extended command, but for more complex sequences, it is usually memory option. Agilent BenchLink Waveform Builder Pro easiest to use Agilent BenchLink Waveform Builder Pro software allows you to create an even greater variety of software, a program you can purchase to run on your PC, arbitrary waveforms that run on the 33500 Series and to construct a sequence. other Agilent waveform generators. To create a waveform sequence in Agilent BenchLink However, some applications require extremely complex Waveform Builder Pro, select New > Sequence from the waveforms of more than 16 million points. Some applica- main menu, as shown in Figure 1. tions also require the repetition of relatively small arbitrary waveforms over a large number of cycles, and still other applications require the arbitrary waveform to interact with the device under test (DUT) via the instrument's Sync output. In these situations and many others, sequences of arbitrary waveforms are the answer. Figure 1. Creating a new sequence with Agilent BenchLink Waveform The software opens a dialog box that allows you to specify the sequence's target instrument and sampling rate, as shown in Figure 2. After you enter the parameters and press OK, you use a table to list each waveform in the sequence. For each waveform you can specify the following attributes:

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