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Now downloading free:Keithley DIO1A 500RevA DocSpec

Keithley DIO1A 500RevA DocSpec free download

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File name:DIO1A_500RevA_DocSpec.pdf
[preview DIO1A 500RevA DocSpec]
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Model:DIO1A 500RevA DocSpec 🔎
Original:DIO1A 500RevA DocSpec 🔎
Descr: Keithley 500 DIO1A_500RevA_DocSpec.pdf
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File name DIO1A_500RevA_DocSpec.pdf

DiO!P DIGITAL INPUT/OUTPUT MGDULE SPEZiFICATXlNSI CIS!NN&`-SJ 32, soft:Ncra sslectable in groups 36 8 for ;nput or output, SIGNAL CUNNEC~IONJ Quick disconnect scv`ew ter,mna! blocks, plLAs 40 p!" receptacle for f%bbon cab!e assenb!y. Il\rPUT C%RACTE?!STICS: TFi-compa%b:e, Wgh-true H!Qh !evei input cum-en?! 23uA Low [eve! Input currenti -0.04m4 UUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS! TTL-compat:ble, hfgh-true Drive capabili-tyl 10 TTL loads, 2471/A sink rlt OSV GENERAL) A11 tnp~its and outputs referenced to systm ground. Ali inputs and outputs power up In a high-i?lpedanCe state for sa'&y. ACCESSOR;E% Ribbon cable ussmbly, 5 foe?, 43 cxnduc'or. Gne end rctes ,,x;th 40 pm receptacle on 01014, other ena I_c unterm?ated.

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