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Now downloading free:Keithley AIM8 500RevA DocSpec

Keithley AIM8 500RevA DocSpec free download

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AIM8 Specifications Input Cbannelu (local): 4 differential and balanced to ground Gain Selection: Software selectable Instrumentation Amplifier Gain (lAG): xl, x10, xl00 and xlCC0. Input Dynamic Range: xl *lov max X10 *lV *ax xl00 *lOOmV p\ax xllm flOmV max Input Protection: il5V max (powered) ilOV mar (unpowered) Input Resistance: &IQ, each input to common Common Mode Voltage: ilOV Common Mode Rejection: >WdB, dc to fXlHz Accuracy: *(o.ol% + MJLV) Nonlinearity: 0.01% of full scale Bandwidth: Software selectable single pole filter (-3dB) dc to lOHz, dc to lkHz and wideband (dc to 3kHz) Settling Tie (to 0.01%): 0.7ms wideband 2.5ms @ lkliz 25oms@loHz Noise: &Vpp, 0.1 to lOHz *vpp, 10 to 1000Hz Temperature Coefficient: Gain: i5OppmK Offset (adjustable to zero): 2.5fiWC @ xl0, xl00 and xl0K1 IAG 4+W'C @ xl IAG c Balance or Z-em Suppression Characteristics: Voltage Range: Jumper selectable off, *lOOmV or +lV typical; On, off, or zem (ground) software selectable Balance: Manual, multitom potentiometer per channel Tempemhue Coefficient: 2.5;WC on *l&V 5~WC on +lV Wtage Range: 0 to +lOV, adjustable per channel and software readable Current: +w)mA max per channel Rotection: Short to ground, 20s max at full power Tempemtwe Csxffkhk 2OOppmK Bridge Completion Facilities: Quarter, Half and Full Bridge Power Requirements: +l5Vdc 75mA - No load .-l5vdc +SVdc Ez Keithley Instruments Inc. Cleveland, Ohio 44139 APP. UATE I AIM 8 PARTNUMBER SPEC IFICAT-IONS SPEC-AIM8

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