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Now downloading free:IBM 6172216 BASIC Compiler Mar82

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--- - - --- - - - - - --- - --- - - - --- ----- --_.- Personal Computer Computer Language Series BASIC Compiler by Microsoft First Edition Revised (March 1982) Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of this publication. Products are not stocked at the address below. Requests for copies of this product and for technical information about the system should he made to your authorized IBN! Personal Computer Dealer. A Product Comment Form is provided at the back of this publication. If this form has been removed, address comment to: IBNI Corp., Personal Computer, P.O. Box 1328-C, Boca Raton, Florida 33132. IBJ\;I may usc or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligations whatever. ~-~Copyright International Business l\lachincs Corporation 1982 Preface How to Use this Book This book explains what you need to know about the IBM Personal Computer BASIC Compiler. It is designed for people who are unfamiliar with the compiler as a programming tool. Therefore, this book provides both a step-by-step introduction and a detailed technical guide to the BASIC Compiler and its use. After a few compila- tions, you can use this book both as a refresher on procedures and as a technical reference. You should have a working knowledge of the BASIC language to use this book. For reference information on IBM Personal Computer BASIC, consult the IBM Personal Computer BASIC manual. Organization This book contains the following sections: Introducing the BASIC Compiler: Gives you an intro- duction to compilers in general and a comparison of interpreters and compilers. It also provides brief descriptions of the contents of the BASIC Compiler package. Using the BASIC Compiler: Tells you what you need in order to use the BASIC Compiler, and some things you need to do the first time you ever try to compile a program. It also gives you an overview of program development with the compiler. Sample Session: Takes you step by step through the compiling, linking, and running of a demonstration program. 111 Creating a Source Program: Describes how to create a BASIC source program for later compilation, and how to use the compiler metacommands. Debugging with the BASIC Interpreter: Describes how to debug the BASIC source file with the BASIC interpreter before compiling it. Note that the last section, "Differences Between the Compiler and In terpreter," describes differences between the language supported by the compiler

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