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Now downloading free:Keithley PA-964 3706

Keithley PA-964 3706 free download

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Descr: Keithley 3706 PA-964_3706.pdf
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Model 3706-BKPL Keithley Instruments, Inc. Analog Backplane Extender 28775 Aurora Road Cleveland, Ohio 44139 1-888-KEITHLEY Introduction The Keithley Instruments Model 3706-BKPL Analog Backplane Extender allows external analog signal connections directly to the Model 3706 backplane. This is useful as a DMM calibration input and for external instruments such as the Series 2600 System SourceMeterTM, function generators, and counters, as well as to daisy-chain additional Model 3700s in series. This instruction sheet contains information about features, terminal block wiring, and installation and removal of the Model 3706-BKPL. WARNING The following information is intended for qualified service personnel. Do not make connections unless qualified to do so. To prevent electric shock that could result in serious injury or death, observe the following safety procedures:

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