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Now downloading free:IBM Y28-6606-1 Catalog Management Rel18 PLM Jul69

IBM Y28-6606-1 Catalog Management Rel18 PLM Jul69 free download

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File name Y28-6606-1_Catalog_Management_Rel18_PLM_Jul69.pdf

File No. S360-30 Form Y28-6606-l Program Logic IBM System/36D Operating System Catalog Management Program Number 360S-DM-508 This manual provides detailed information on catalog management routines. These routines record identification of volumes used by data sets by maintaining information in logical records called indexes. The functions and structures of the routines are described, as are their relationships to other portions of IBM System/360 Operating System. This manual also describes the structure of catalog data sets that contain the indexes processed by catalog management routines. It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance, and system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for the use and operation of the program; therefore, distribution of this publication is limited to those with the aforementioned requirements. RESTRICTED DISTRIBUTION--SEE ABSTRACT . PREFACE This pUblication provides customer understanding of the routines usej to engineers and other technical personnel access and modify it. with information describing the internal organization and logic of the catalog management routines. Publications that The Method of Operation section contain external information about the describes the logical fUnctions of the catalog and its use are: catalog management routines. IBM System/360 operating :.*'t~1l}; . Tne Program Organization section Supervisor and Data Management Serv1ces, describes each module of the routines in Form C28-6646 detail, with particular emphasis on the differences between the actual code IBM System/360 operating System involved and the logical fUnctions of the System Programmer's Guide, Form C28-6550 routines. Some publications describing other The Directory is a chart that enables aspects of the operating System are the reader to find a section of code, a referred to in the text. 'I'hese are: flowchart, or a text reference, given any one of the three. IBM System/360 operating system Direct Access Device Space Management, The Data Area Layouts section describes Form Y28-6607 in detail each of the catalog entries and also the user's parameter list. IBM System/360 operating system Seguential Access Methods, Form Y28-6604 The Diagnostic Aids section contains

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