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Keithley 501 902 01B free download

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AIM9 LVDT/RVDT Module This documentation describes the features, installation, and operation of the AIM9 Lm/RVlYI Module in the Series 500 or System 570. This manual also contains impor- tant progr amming information and several example programs. The AIM9 is a dual-channel module for making measurements with AC-driven transducers such as LvDT's, RVDT's, and variable-reluctance transducers. Typically, linear variable differential transformers (LvDTs) measure linear displacement, while rotary variable differential transformers (RVDT's) measure angular displacement. Throughout this manual, the term "transducer" implies an LVM; RVDT, or other AC- driven, displacement-type sensor. The AIM93 important features include the following: Dual channels, each with differential input. - A quick-disconnect terminal block for each channel. Connections include excitation output, three shield/common terminals, signal A input, and signal B input. Selectable excitation frequencies of lkHz, 2kHz, 5kHz, lOkHz, or 2OkI-k Provision for driving the excitation circuitry of up to nine AIM9 modules from the master oscillator of one AIM9. Selectable low-pass filter with Wz, 2OHz, and 2OOHzbandwidths. The filter is software-selectable through the IONAME FILT% parameter. Continuously variable on-board gain of Xl (*WV full-scale input) to X20 (*0.5V full- scale input). Offset adjustments for zeroing the output of the AIM9 gain amplifiers. Phase adjustment potentiometers to align the excitation and returning signals for each channel. Compatibility with Series 500 or System 570. The System 570 accepts one AlM9. The Series 500 can accept up to nine AIM9 modules. The AIM9 is intended for transducers which require AC excitation and produce AC out- put signals. However, it is also compatible with some types of general-purpose DC- driven transducers which normally produce DC output levels. Examples are strain gages and potentiometric transducers Figure 1 identifies the adjustment potentiometers, jumpers, switches, and important test points on the AIM9 module. Document Number: 501-902-01Rev. B AIM9-1 MASTER SLAVE lo(0_lO_I MASTER/SLAVE TEST TEST TEST OSCILLATOR JUMPER POINT POINT POINT Wl DETl DETO GND EXCITATION OFFSET PHASE GAIN 1 1 j T;;E.;/;L ;;;fIN FREQUENCY ADJUST

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