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Now downloading free:Keithley 071340300 (Dec 2014) (PCT-CVU)

Keithley 071340300 (Dec 2014) (PCT-CVU) free download

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PCT-CVU Keithley Instruments 28775 Aurora Road Multi-Frequency C-V Meter Cleveland, Ohio 44139 1-800-935-5595 Description The Keithley Instruments PCT-CVU is a capacitance-voltage (C-V) instrument sold as an accessory to the Model 2600-PCT-xB line of parametric curve tracers. The unit consists of a Keithley Instruments Model 4200-SCS Parameter Analyzer with a factory-installed 4210-CVU C-V measurement card. Figure 1: PCT-CVU front panel The PCT-CVU is a specifically-configured Model 4200-SCS; no other 42xx cards may be installed in the unit. To upgrade the instrument with other 42xx cards, you must return the instrument to the factory for an upgrade. Contact your Keithley Instruments applications engineer for details. C-V measurements and software The PCT-CVU is supplied with both KITE measurement software and ACS Basic measurement software installed. ACS Basic software requires a license key, purchased separately. Otherwise, a 30-day software trial period is enabled. If a bias voltage of less than 30 V is required, a bias tee kit is not necessary. If a bias voltage of greater than 30 V is required, select the appropriate bias tee kit. The PCT-CVU can be used with the CVU-200-KIT or CVU-3K-KIT bias tee kits or the Model 8020 with the 8020 bias tee / C-V-installed option to enable high voltage capacitance measurements. When a bias tee option is used along with the PCT-CVU for C-V measurements, either ACS Basic or ACS Standard software is required. 071340300 / December 2014 *PPA071340300* 1

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