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Now downloading free:Keithley 6512RevB DocSpec

Keithley 6512RevB DocSpec free download

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MODEL 6512 SPECIFICATIONS VOLTS TEMPERATURE IEEE-48S BUS IMPLEMENTATION ACCURACY (1Yr.)' COEFFICIENT MULTILINE COMMANDS: DCL, LLO, SIX, GET, GIZ, UNT, UNL, SPE,SPD. 18'-280C 0"-180C L 280-5OOC UNILINE COMMANDS: FC, FEN, EOI, SRQ ATN. RANGE RESOLUTION M%rdg+ counts) M%rdg+ countsY"C 1NTERFACENNCTIONS:SHl. AHl,T5,TEO,U. LEO, SRLRLO, PPO, Dcl,DTI, 200 mV 10 p v 0.05 + 5 0.004+ 3 CO, El. 2 v 100 p v 0.05 + 1 0.004 + 0.3 PROGRAMMABLEPARAMETERS: Function, Range, Zero Check,Zero Correct, 20 v 1mV 0.05 + 1 0.005 + 0.1 Zero Suppress,EOI, Trigger, Terminator, 100-Reading Storage and Retrieval, 200 v 10 mV o.m+1 0.007+ 0 1 . Calibration, *lay Format, SRQ Status, Output Format. 'When properly zeroed. ADDRESS MODES: TALK ONLY and ADDRESSABLE. NMRR >80dB on 20OmV, MMB on 2V and 2OV, 55dB on 200V range, at 5OHz or TRIGGER TO READING DONE 3 0 typical. 5m 6oHz 39.1%. CMRR >120dB at D , 5OHz or 60%. C INPUT IMPEDANCE: >2OUTClinparallel with 2OpF (<2pF guatded). GENERAL DISPLAY: 4'kdqit numeric LEDs with appropriate dedmal point and polarity indication; signed two-digit alphanumeric exponent. AMPS TEMPERATURE OVERRANGE INDICATION: Display reads "OL". ACCURACY (1 Yr.)* COEFFICIENT 180-2Wc 00-18"C & 28=5Ooc RANGING Automatic o manual. r RANGE RESOLIJTION f(%rdg + counts) f(%rdg + auntsY"C CONVERSION TIME: 330ms. 100 aA 1.6 +66 0.15 + 8 DATA STORE and MINIMAX 100-reading store capadty; records data at one of 2 PA six selectable rates from every reading to

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