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Agilent AN 372-1 Power Supply Testing Application Note An electronic load offers a broad range of operating modes, providing versatile loading configurations needed for characterizing and verifying dc power supply design specifications. Load I Time T1 Abrupt Load Change Standard Output Quantity Load Effect Load Overshoot Amplitude Effect Rand Load Effect Load Effect Load Effect I Transient Settling Recovery Time Time Load Settling Effect Time T1 Agilent Technologies Introduction As regulated-power supply An Overview of Switching power supplies technology evolves, testing Power Supply Topologies address the disadvantages of methods for design verification Of all the possible power linear power supplies (namely and product function require supply topologies, linear and the low efficiency and relative- more sophisticated electronic switching regulation tech- ly large size and weight), and equipment. The different power niques are the most common are therefore a more effective supply architectures and out- design implementations. Linear and less costly solution for put combinations also dictate power supplies are typically high power applications. The the need for versatile test used in R&D environments relative disadvantages occur in instruments that can accommo- and in production test systems three areas when compared to date a broad range of specifica- because they provide high linear power suppl

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