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Original:Disassembly and Reassembly-2 🔎
Descr: Samsung Dryer DV42H5000GW_A3 Disassembly_and_Reassembly-2.pdf
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3. DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 3-1. TOOLS fOR DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY Tool Type Remarks Socketsetwith 14 mm Fan(1) 6"extention 17 mm RollerShaft(4) 17 mm 14 mm Wrench 8 mm TooltofixtheRollerShaftonremovingthenuts. Tooltoprotecttheidleandabrasionofthebolt Vicepliers fortheboxdriver. Other (Driver,DiagonalCutter, Generaltoolsfortheafterservice. LongNosePliers) Removal and Reassembly _ 9 3-2. STANDARD DISASSEMBLY DRAWINGS To avoid risk of electrical shock, personal injury or death, disconnect the power to the Clothes Dryer. Thisisastandarddisassemblydiagramandmaydifferfromtheactualproduct. Usethismaterialasareferencewhendisassemblingandreassemblingtheproduct. Part figure Description 1. Disconnectthepowersupplyandtotheunit 2. Remove2screwsfromtheTop-Cover Top Cover Removal 3. SlideTopCovertowardstherearandliftfromthe unit. Scratchandimpacttothetopcoveris prohibited. 10 _ Removal and Reassembly Part figure Description 1. Disconnectthepowersupplytotheunit. 2. RemovetheTop-Cover. 3. Remove2screwsfromtheGuide-Panel. 4. Separate6HookfromGuidePanel. 5. RemoveConsole. Console Removal 6. RemoveEachHousing. 8. RemovescrewsfromtheAssyPCBSub. Becarefulofexternalscratchontheconsole. Removal and Reassembly _ 11 Part figure Description 1. Disconnectthepowersupplyandtotheunit 2. RemovetheTopCover 3. Remove3screwsfromtheframe+plate 4. RemovetheWireholder Main PCB Removal

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