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4. TROuBLESHOOTING 4-1. ERROR ITEMS AND DIAGNOSTIC CODES AnoccurrenceofanErrorwillmakeasoundoferrormelodyfor5secandcontinuouslyshowoneoftheErrorDisplays fromthefollowingerrors. Error Display Trigger Action Taken Checkfor: TheThermistorresistanceisverylowor - Cloggedlintscreen. tE high. - Restricted vent system. - CheckThermistorresistance. Checkfor: - Closethedoor,andrunthedryer. dE Runningthedryerwithdooropen. - LooseoropenwireterminalsinDoorSense circuit. Checkfor: bE2 Invalidstateofkey. - DisplayPCBkeycircuitshortornot. Checkfor: fE InvalidpowersourceFrequency. - Notusingregularpowersourcefrequency. - Invalidpowerfrequencysensecircuit. Checkfor: ElectronicControlProblem. 9E1 - CheckPCBandWireharness. (OverVoltageError) - CheckPowersupply. Checkfor: ElectronicControlProblem. AE - CheckPCBandWireharness. (CommunicationError) - ReplacePCB. Checkfor: EEE InvalidstateofEepromcommunication. - PCBwithEepromcircuit. Checkfor: df Invaliddoor. - LooseoropenwireterminalsinDoorSense circuit. Checkfor: HE InvalidheatingTempinrunningthedryer. - Callcustomerservice. 26 _ Troubleshooting 4-2. TEST MODE Data Display Mode How to Enter: DV455*

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