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Now downloading free:IBM GH20-4140-3 CICS Program Product Specifications Jan73

IBM GH20-4140-3 CICS Program Product Specifications Jan73 free download

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File name GH20-4140-3_CICS_Program_Product_Specifications_Jan73.pdf

--_. - --- - - --- - - --- ~ -- - - - --- ..._ - - - Program Product - ----- - y .~.- Specifications Customer I nformation Control System/OS- STANDARD V2 (CICS/OS-STANDARD V2) Program Number 5734-XX7 This program, in conjunction with CICS/DOS.,ENTRY Time Management -- Provides control of various optional (5736-XX6) and CICS/OOS-STANDAR D (5736-XX7), task functions (system stall detection, run-away task forms an upward compatible family of data base/data control, task synchronization, etc.) based on specified communications (DB/DC) systems providing a common intervals of ti me or the ti me of day. application program interface. They simplify the imple- mentation of terminal-oriented applications and provide Dump Management -- Provides a facility to assist in an upward migration path. analysis of programs and transactions undergoing de- velopment or modification. Specified areas of main CICS/OS-STANDARD V2 is a general purpose DB/DC storage are dumped onto a sequential data set, either interface between OS and user-written application pro- tape or disk, for subsequent off-line formatting and grams (either Assembler Language or appropriate high'- printing using a CICS utility program. level language). The system provides the user with the facilities to generate a CICS/OS-STANDARD V2 system Terminal Management -- Provides polling according to configuration applicable to his needs and to define the user specified line traffic corhrol as well as user environment in which the system is to execute. User requested reading and writing. This facility supports exits are provided for optional processing as required for automatic task initiation to process new transactions. specific system operation. Also provided is a macro Optionally, the user can request that certai n lines be facility to communicate application program service under control of TCAM instead of BTAM. In this case, requests. polling and other network control functions are perform

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