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Now downloading free:Keithley 92690A(DASCard1000)

Keithley 92690A(DASCard1000) free download

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Descr: Keithley DAS 92690A(DASCard1000).pdf
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File name 92690A(DASCard1000).pdf Page 1 Tuesday, April 2, 1996 11:57 AM DASCard-1000 Series Quick Start Thank you for purchasing the Value Pak from Keithley MetraByte. In addition to your data acquisition card, the Value Pak provides the following software: VTXm (Visual Test ExtensionsTM) Install this software if you want - to create data acquisition applications using an integrated set of custom controls within the Microsoft@ Visual Basic@for Windows" programming environment. Standard software - Install this software if you want to create data acquisition applications at the driver level using Microsoft QuickBasic? or Microsoft Professional Basic under DOS. AS0 software (Advanced Software Option) - Install this software if you want to create data acquisition applications at the driver level using Microsoft C/C++ (for DOS or Windows), Borland C/C++ (for DOS or Windows), Microsoft Visual C++, or Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows. Follow the quick start instructions for the software package you want to use. Refer to page 2 for VTX quick start instructions; refer to page 9 for Standard sofmare and AS0 software quick start instructions. Part #92690; Revision A; April 1996 1 41 lpklOOO.frm Page 2 Tuesday, April 2, 1996 1 I:57 AM 4 VTX Quick Start * Install the software. If you need help during this procedure, refer to Chapter 1 of your I/TX User's Guide or to your Visual Basic documentation. 1. Install Version 3.0 or 4.0 (the 16-bit version) of Visual Basic for Windows. 2. Insert the VTX DAS disk in the appropriate disk drive. 3. If you are using Windows 3.1: - From the File men" of the Program Manager, choose Run, If you are using Windows 95: - From the Windows 95 task bar, click Start and point to Run. 4. ln the Run dialog box, enter the appropriate drive letter and the setup command. For example, if the VTX DAS disk is in drive A, enter

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