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Now downloading free:IBM GY28-2013-6 Time Sharing System Command System PLM Sep71

IBM GY28-2013-6 Time Sharing System Command System PLM Sep71 free download

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File No. 8360-36 GY28-2013-6 Program Logic Version B.l IBM System/360 Time Sharing System Command System Provides descriptions of the internal. logic of each Command System module for persons responsible for pro- gram maintenance and modification. The Command System consists of modules that process the commands available to the user, operator, manager, and administrator of the System/360 Time Sharing System. Provides the following information for each module: basic function, entries, modules called, method of operation, exits, error conditions, system control blocks used. and a flowchart. Before using, be familiar with the contents of: IBM System/360 Time Sharing System: Concepts and Facilities, GC28-2003 Command System User's Guide, GC28-2001 Manager's and Administrator's Guide, GC28-2024 Operator's Guide, GC28-2033 Have available for reference: IBM System/360 Time Sharing System: Systero Mes- sages, GC28-2037 Seventh Edition (September 1971) This is a major revision of, and makes obsolete, GY28-2013-5 and Technical Newsletter GN28-3164. This edition documents the new KEYWORD, CHGPASS, FLOW, MCAST, and MCASTAB commands, as well as a set of atten- tion response commands -- EXIT, PUSH, RTRN, STACK, and STRING. Significant changes will be indicated by a vertical line beside the changed text. This edition is current with Version 8 Modification 1 of the IBM System/360 Time Sharing System (TSS/360), and remains in effect for all subsequent versions or modifications of TSS/360 unless otherwise noted. Sig- nificant changes or additions to this publication will be provided in new editions or Technical Newsletters. Before using this publication, refer to the latest edi- tion of IBM Systeml360 Time Sharing System. Addendum, GC28-2043, which may contain information pertinent to the topics covered in this edition. The Addendum also lists the editions of all TSs/360 publications that are applicable and current. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form is provided at the back of this publication for reader's com- ments. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Corporation, Time Sharing System/360 Programming Publications, Depart- ment 643, Neighborhood Road, Kingston, New York 12401 o Copyright International Business Machines corporation 1967,1968,1969,1970,1971 PREFACE This manual, a guide to the logical within the command system, its common structure and functions of the TSS/360 Com- and symbolic module names will be mand System, is designed to be used with listed: for other modules, the common the individual assembly listings: it does

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