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IBM ET News Letter 1954 free download

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_~~" E~~::_~~_Lt_etWt_ _ CUSTOMER ENGINEERING May 20, 1954 No.9 SADDLE SOAP FOR TOOL BAG The condition and appearance of tool bags should be maintained to the usual IBM standards of appearance. Frequent condi- tioning of bags with Saddle Soap will clean, polish and condition the bag, as well as maintain a good appearance. Clean bags will also save clothing. -.J ... Two simple steps are suggested for cleaning and conditioning a bag with Saddle Soap. 1. Use a shoe polish applicator brush and apply in sidewise strokes, leaving streaks or lines of Saddle Soap all over the bag. 2. Use a cloth such as cheese cloth, and rub in circular motion. If a bag is kept clean, the same cloth can be used over and over and will work better after it has absorbed some Saddle Soap. Neither applicator brushes nor Saddle Soap will be available from Poughkeepsie. Branch offices should purchase them locally. * * * * (over) =======IBM = = = = = = = E. T. News Letter No. 9 - Page 2 TENSION TAPE REMOVAL A simple method for removing a carriage tension tape and still maintain carriage tension is to insert the tapp, in the carriage return tape. With the return tape unhooked, the carriage can then be checked for possible binds. * * * * SUGGESTIONS It has come to our attention that field personnel are sometimes reluctant to request reinvestigation of their suggestions. We want to assure you that the Suggestion Department is not only willing but wants to reinvestigate any file that is not answered to the complete satisfaction of the person submitting the idea. At any time that a question arises concerning any of your suggestions. pl~ase contactthe Suggestion Department immediately indicating why t4e reinvestigation is being re- quested. or pointing out just what information is desired. This action will benefit both yourself and the company. Please use the regular suggestion form for such correspond- ence whenever it is possible for it supplies all ofthe necessary copies to process your request and does expedite handling of the file by the

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