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Now downloading free:Keithley 2508 ChargePumping

Keithley 2508 ChargePumping free download

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A G R E AT E R M E A S U R E O F C O N F I D E N C E A How to get accurate Figure 1: Schematic for charge pumping mea- surement; source and drain of the transistor are trap density connected to ground; gate is pulsed with fixed frequency and amplitude while body current is measured. measurements using applying voltage pulses of fixed amplitude, rise time, fall time, and frequency to the gate charge pumping of the transistor, with the source, drain, and body tied to ground. Figure 1 shows the con- nections. The two most common ways to do charge-pumping measurements are a fixed amplitude, voltage base sweep (Figure 2a) or a fixed base, variable amplitude sweep Yuegang Zhao, Keithley Instruments, Inc. (Figure 2b). For high gate stack structures, the CP technique can quantify the trapped T charge (Nit) as: HE two most common methods [3]. Recently great attention has been paid Icp used to characterize interface to the use of high dielectric constant (high ) Nit = ___ qfA trap s

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