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Now downloading free:Agilent 5990-5823EN N1010A De-Embedding Software - Data Sheet c20140828 [2]

Agilent 5990-5823EN N1010A De-Embedding Software - Data Sheet c20140828 [2] free download

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File name 5990-5823EN N1010A De-Embedding Software - Data Sheet c20140828 [2].pdf

Keysight N1010A FlexDCA Remote Access Software Expect More From Your Test Equipment N1010A FlexDCA Remote Ac- cess Software provides oscil- loscope, eye/mask and jitter mode measurement capabili- ties on your PC. The powerful new software application pro- vides ofline and connected measurement capability for both the 86100C DCA-J and 86100D DCA-X oscilloscopes. N1010A FlexDCA is the same advanced user interface application that resides on every 86100D DCA-X, but as a standalone PC application it is more "flexible". FlexDCA controls either an 86100C or 86100D via a LAN located in an office location in another connection, or it can also operate in an part of the world. Imagine how offline mode using saved waveforms or quickly you could help a colleague or the built-in waveform simulator. contractor solve a problem in a remote location if you could quickly and easily take control of their instrument. FlexDCA provides powerful InfiniiSim-DCA provides powerful new insight for digital signals de-embedding and embedding capabilities. A variety of new measurement Remote Operation (via LAN) capabilities provide designers with tools to characterize high-speed digital N1010A provides capabilities that are designs more thoroughly and isolate not available on an 86100C DCA-J, problems more quickly. such as de-embedding or advanced

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