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Now downloading free:Keithley 2624 Secure Access TN

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technical note A G R E A T E R M E A S U R E O F C O N F I D E N C E Providing Secure Access to Required Root Commands Under KTHMGR Login Introduction Beginning with Version 5.1.0, the Keithley Test Environment (KTE) software has a new architecture. New commands that test engineers must use to maintain, debug, and update their testers have come with this new architecture. (See the section titled "How to Use Sudo" for a list of these new commands.) These com- mands are process daemons, which require root access on the SUN workstation. Granting full root access is often considered dangerous, and the arguments for and against doing so are beyond the scope of this note. While most sysadmins are unwilling to grant root access on workstations they maintain; test engineers often require this level of access to perform their jobs. These conflicting needs can lead to delays and system downtime. Sudo, a shareware program distributed under a BSD-style license, is designed to allow a sysadmin to give limited root privileges to certain users and then log that activity. The program's underlying philosophy is to provide as few privileges as possible, while still allowing test engineers to get their work done. Any sysadmin or test engineer with root access can install Sudo and its associated files in about 30 minutes per workstation. Once Sudo is properly installed and set up within the Keithley environment, no maintenance is required. Using Sudo reduces the sysadmin's workload and allows test engineers to perform system updates, maintenance, and troubleshooting with minimal delays and test cell downtime. Applicability The information in this note is applicable to all Keithley Series 400 and 600 para- metric testers that use KTE V5.1 or later. The version of Sudo that accompanies this note (V1.6.8) should be compatible with any SUN

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