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Now downloading free:IBM GY28-2052-0 Time Sharing System PLI Subroutine Library PLM Jun70

IBM GY28-2052-0 Time Sharing System PLI Subroutine Library PLM Jun70 free download

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File name:GY28-2052-0_Time_Sharing_System_PLI_Subroutine_Library_PLM_Jun70.pdf
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Original:GY28-2052-0 Time Sharing System PLI Subroutine Library PLM Jun70 🔎
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File No. S360-29 GY28-2052-0 Program Logic IBM System/360 Time Sharing System PL/I Subroutine Library Program Number 360S-LM-512 This publication describes the internal sfecificaticns of PL/I Subroutine Library as a system component of IBM System/360 Time Sharing System. The relationshifs between tbe code produced by the TSS/360 PL/I compiler, the PL/I I,ibrary modules and the control program are described, and summaries of the properties of individual modules are provided. This information is intended for use by those involved in program maintenance and by sys- tem progra.mmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for the use and opera t.ion of the program. PREFACE This publication descriLes the object- System Control Blocks, Form Y28-2011 time PL/I Library package which forms an integral part of the PL/I processing sys- tem. General information covering the Assembler User Macro Instructicns, overall design and conventions is provided Form C28-2004 as well as information specific to the various areas of language support. TSS/360 PL/I Compiler, Program Logic The publication is intended primarily Manual, Form Y28-2051 for technical personnel who wish to under- stand the structure of the library in order to maintain, modify, or expand the PL/I An introductory section, 'The PL/I ~rocessing system. LiDrary' and the first part of Section II contain a general description of the Information relevant to this manual is library as a component of IBM System/360 contained in the following IBM Time Sharing System, and general notes on publications: features of the system and the TSS/360 PL/I Compiler that are used in the library IBM System/360 Operating System: implementation. The remainder of Section II describes the dEsign of the library Principles of Operation, Form modules in relationship to PL/I language A22-6821 features, and indicates the use that is rrade of the control program to sUFFort the PL/I Language Specification, Form

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