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Now downloading free:Keithley AIM5 500RevA DocSpec

Keithley AIM5 500RevA DocSpec free download

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AIM5 ANAICGINFWJ!MOCULE5 Input channels: 4 1~ level, isolated from each other and ground Input characteristics. Gain; x100, user configurable for other gains with optional resistor Input range; +5GmVmax Accuracy; Gain; +0.2%, adjustable to 1 lsb Gain linearity. + 0.02% max Input offset: _ 2OuVr&ax, adjustable to zero + atput offset. + 12mVmm, adjustable to zero Temperature coefficient: Gain: +O.O05%/"C t Input offset: + 2.5uV/oC atput offset: i SOUV/~C Input noise voltage: 1uv p-p, 0.0lHz to lOOHs, R, < lkohm Input bias current: + 8nA max Input resistance: lOOMohms Protection: 130V FUGmax, normal node Isolation: SOOV peak, channel to channel or channel to ground Comn ncde rejection: 13Odb, R, < 100 ohms, f 5 6OHz Normal tie rejection: SMb, f 2 SOHz Settling tima after channel selection: 2.5 ms to 0.01% assuming settled input Teqxarature reference junction sensor: chtput: looInv/~c Accuracy: +0.25"C Teqxrature caafficient: 0.1 'Y/Y TR REVISIONS APP. OATE ORN. OATE \ REk545~ 5~8~' 4'+w&' CKO. DATE Keithby Instruments Inc. Cleveland, Ohio 44139 - APP. DATE SPECIFICATIONS LSP~;:~~Mc A

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