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Now downloading free:Keithley 3700 SCPI AN

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Number 2875 Application Note Converting a Series 2700 SCPI Application Series to a Series 3700 System Switch/ Multimeter System Script Application Introduction tain command subsystems that control particular instrument functions and settings. For many years, instrument manufacturers have used "Standard Commands for Programmable Instrumentation" or SCPI to con- The SCPI Instrument Model is divided among the SCPI com- trol programmable test and measurement devices in instrumen- mand subsystems. In the case of the Series 2700, the command tation systems. SCPI provides a uniform and consistent language subsystems are broken down into these categories: for the control of test and measurement instruments. The same 1. Signal-Oriented Measurement: Commands used to acquire commands and responses control corresponding instrument readings. functions in SCPI equipment, regardless of the manufacturer or 2. Calculate: Used for math expressions, limit testing, and the instrument type. statistics. By design, Keithley's new Series 3700 System Switch/ 3. Display: Controls the display of the Integra instruments. Multimeter instrument does not use SCPI commands. The plat- form instead uses an internal Test Script Processor (TSP) to pro- 4. Format: Selects the data format for transferring readings cess and run programs called "scripts." The migration to TSP was over the bus. to address the more demanding system throughput requirements 5. Route: Controls front/rear inputs or switching. common to today's systems. Communication to any TSP instru- 6. Sense: Configures and controls the measurement ment is the same as interfacing to a conventional instrument functions. using commercially available software applications and appli- 7. Status: Controls the status registers. cation development environment. The user simply sends text strings containing either TSL or ICL commands to the instrument 8. System: Contains miscellaneous commands for instrument using the communication interface. Although Keithley provides setup. an application suite called Test Script Builder (TSB), it is not 9. Trace: Configures and controls data storage into the intended as the only tool to communicate to the instrument, nor buffer. does not replace commercially available software applications. 10. Trigger: Configures the Trigger Model. TSB is a

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