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Keithley 24816A(MAO12) free download

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MAO-12 Addenda to the MetraBus User's Manual Keithley MetraByte Corporation 440 Myles Standish Blvd Taunton, MA 02780 Part Number: 24816 First Printing: June 1988 Copyright 0 i 988 MetraB e Corporation 440 Myles li andish Boulevard Taunton. Massachusetts 02780 MetroByte Corporation assumes no liability for damages consequent to the use of this product. This product is not desi ned with components of a level of reliability suitable for use in life support or critical app PIcations. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in CI retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical. photocopying, m;xding, or otherwise. wrthout the express prior wrrtten permissron of MetraByte Corpo- Information furnished b MetraByte Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsib rlrty is assumed by MetroByte Corporation for its use: nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent rights of MetraByte Cor- poration. MetraByte" is a trademark of MetroByte Corporation. BASICTM a trademark is of Dartmouth College. IBM@ is Q registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Microsoft@ is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. MAO-12 ANALOG OUTPUT BOARD Features of the MAO-12 0 Interlacesdirectly with IBM PC/XT/AT and compatibles 0 Unipolar, Bipolar, and 4-20 mA outputs 0 12-bil Resolution (1 part in 4095) 0 Remote signal coimktions 0 UD 10 64 analog outputs per computerexpansionslot 0 Ekremely cost-effetiive 0 Compatible with most computer languages MetraByte'a MAO-l 2 is an 8 channel analog output board for use with the MetraBus Industrial Data Acquisition and Control System. It has 8 independent output channels, each with 12-bit (1 part in 4095) resolution. The MAO-12 has five standard switch selectable voltage output ranges as well as 4-20 mA output capability. Provisions have been made for the installation of additional resistors allowing a wider range of output gains to be selected. Screw terminals on the board will accept 12 to 22 AWG wire. The MAO-12 connects directly to one of three MetraBus driver cards (MDB-64, MID-64, or REM-64) and computer via a 50 conductor ribbon cable. The MetraBus cable connects the MAO-12 to one of the driver cards and carries all data, address, and status information as well as distributing power on the MetraBus. A total of 20 ground lines are interleaved among the data

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