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Now downloading free:IBM Y27-7128-4 Control Program With MFT Rel18 PLM Jun69

IBM Y27-7128-4 Control Program With MFT Rel18 PLM Jun69 free download

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File name:Y27-7128-4_Control_Program_With_MFT_Rel18_PLM_Jun69.pdf
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Model:Y27-7128-4 Control Program With MFT Rel18 PLM Jun69 🔎
Original:Y27-7128-4 Control Program With MFT Rel18 PLM Jun69 🔎
Descr: IBM 360 os R18_Nov69 plm Y27-7128-4_Control_Program_With_MFT_Rel18_PLM_Jun69.pdf
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File name Y27-7128-4_Control_Program_With_MFT_Rel18_PLM_Jun69.pdf

File No. S360-36 Form Y27-7128-4 Program Logic IBM System/360 Operating System Control Program With MFT Program Logic Manual Program Number 360S-CI-505 This publication describes the internal logic of the IBM System/360 Operating System Control Pro- gram with MFT. The publication provides an intro- duction to control program logic and describes the components of the program. It also describes the initialization of the operating system, the func- tions of the supervisor that differ from those of the PCP and MVT supervisors and the functions of job management that differ from those of PCP and MVT job management. The appendix contains a description of all rou- tines, major tables, and work areas used by MF~, and flowcharts of the routines of MFT that differ from those of either of the other control programs. Program Logic Manuals are intended for use by IBM customer engineers involved in program main- tenance, and by system programmers involved in altering the program design. Program logic infor- mation is not necessary for program operation and use; therefore, distribution of this manual is limited to persons with program maintenance or modification responsibilities. Restricted Distribution RESTRICTED DISTRIBUTION: This publication is intended pri- marily for use by IBM personnel involved in program design and maintenan.ce. It may not be made available to others without the approval of local IBM management. Fifth Edition (June, 1969) This is a major reVl.Sl.on of, and obsoletes" Y27-7128-3 and Technical Newsletters Y2B-2349 and Y28-2376. ~he text and illustrations have been changed to reflect the following:

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