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Now downloading free:Keithley 24821B(DV488)

Keithley 24821B(DV488) free download

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DV-488 IEEE-488 Interface Board Keithley MetraByte Corporation A Subsidiary of Keithle Instruments, Inc. 440 Myles &andish Boulevard Taunton, Massachusetts 02780 Part Number: 24821 First Printing: June 1989 Copyrt ht 0 1989 %Y Keithley MetraB te Corporation 440 Myles Stan&sh Boulevard Taunton, Massachusetts 02780 II WARNING Keithley MetraByte Corporation assumes no liability for dama f es cons eyeyt tothe use of this product. This product is not designed with components o a level o rehabihty suitable II All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be re reduced, stored in a retrieval.system, or transmitted, in an form by any means, electronic, met R anical, photoco ying, recording or otherwise, without t Ke express written permission of Keithley MetraByte e orporation. Information furnished by MetraB to be accurate and reliable. How- ever, no responsibility is assum for its use; nor for an infringe- ments of patents or other rights result from its use. No yi tense is granted by implication or otherwise un ts of Keithley MetraByte Corporation. MetraByte TMis a trademark of Keithley MetraByte Corporation. IBM 0 is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Microsoft 8 is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. WARRANTYINFORhfATION All products manufactured b Keithley MetraByte are warranted against defective materials and workmanship for a peno of v 4 from the date of delive to the original purchaser. Any roduct found to be defective wtthin the warranty period WI , at the option o Kerthley fx Metra lf yte, be repaired or replaced. This warranty does not apply to products which have been damaged by improper use. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION General Description (MBC-488 & uCMBC-488) 1 2.0 INSTALLATION (Hardware) MBC-488 & IBM PC/XT/AT uCMBC-488 & PS/2 Modifying the @5018ADF File z 5 PSI2 Installation Errors 5 3.0 DEVICE DRIVER (DV488) Introduction & General Overview Installing DV488 Device Driver Program Mode of Ope

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