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Now downloading free:honeywell FL-665-R1A ALERT General Purpose Digital Computer

honeywell FL-665-R1A ALERT General Purpose Digital Computer free download

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File name:FL-665-R1A_ALERT_General_Purpose_Digital_Computer.pdf
[preview FL-665-R1A ALERT General Purpose Digital Computer]
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Model:FL-665-R1A ALERT General Purpose Digital Computer 🔎
Original:FL-665-R1A ALERT General Purpose Digital Computer 🔎
Descr: honeywell military alert FL-665-R1A_ALERT_General_Purpose_Digital_Computer.pdf
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File name FL-665-R1A_ALERT_General_Purpose_Digital_Computer.pdf

ALERT GENERAL PURPOSE DIGITAL COMPUTER Honeywell ~--p~ ~ AERONAUTICAL DIVISION - ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA CONTENTS ALERT IN BRIEF 2 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 8 PHYSICAL ASPECTS 44 PROGRAMMING THE ALERT 56 SYSTEM SUPPORT EQUIPMENT 72 Honeywell introduces the ALERT, newest in its line of general-purpose digital computers. AL ER T is an extremely fast, versatile, compact, rugged, multi- application computer. By outlining Honeywell's approach to computer design, an easy comparison can be made to other present-day machines. The reader will readily grasp the computer's advantages for his par tic u 1 a r application as operation is described. ALERT meets the requirements for most scientific computer needs. Expandable memory and flexible input / output design allows logic, data moving and binary arithmetic operations at speeds suitable for both airborne and ground- based applications. Rig- orous environmental packaging is also compact enough for installations in manned aircraft, missiles or any vehicle operating in adverse conditions with limited equipment space. The instruction repertoire has been optimized to provide more effective hard- ware utilization, yet adequate for efficient handling of complex equations. An ample software package has been developed with the user in mind. ALERT is a complete computer: versatile, maintainable, reliable. ALERT IN BRIEF 2 Before describing ALERT in detail, its general characteristics are summarized to illustrate features beyond those of the average general- purpose computer. The summary includes AL ER T features interwoven with items necessary in all general-purpose computers so that a fair comparison can be made to other similar machines. THE BASIC COMPUTER ALERT,in its basic configuration, consists of two separate modules interconnected to form one off- the- shelf general-purpose scien- tific computer. The basic computer combines a central processor with a memory module having a word capacity chosen to fit individual needs. This combination offer s:

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