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Now downloading free:IBM 227-5984-1 2310 Disk Storage FEMM Sep65

IBM 227-5984-1 2310 Disk Storage FEMM Sep65 free download

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Model:227-5984-1 2310 Disk Storage FEMM Sep65 🔎
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Field Engineering Maintenance Manual ~~~@ Disk Storage Field Engineering Maintenance Manual Issued to: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Branch Office: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Department: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ If this manual is misplaced, it should be returned to the above address. ~~~@ Disk Storage PREFACE This manual contains preliminary information. Chapter 1 contains instructions and procedures for Users of this manual are cautioned that specifications diagnosing and isolating equipment malfunctions by the are subject to change at any time and without prior use of service aids and functional checkout procedures. notice by IBM. Wiring diagrams (logics) at the en- Chapter 2 describes switches and controls used by gineering change level for a specific machine are the CE to accomplish checkout and maintenance oper- included in each machine shipment. ations. The scope of this manual is limited to the Disk Chapter 3 contains instructions for performing Storage Drive. The machine is installed in a stand scheduled maintenance and includes a tabulated sched- alone unit for IBM 1800 Data Acquisition and Control ule for accomplishing periodic maintenance operations. System, and is an integral part of the storage system Chapter 4 provides instructions for service checks, of the IBM 1130 Computing System, physically located adjustments, and removal and replacement of com- within the IBM 1131 Central Processing Unit. ponents. This information consists of maintenance instruc- Chapter 5 provides a listing of power requirements tions which enable the CE to rapidly diagnose equip- and power sequencing. ment malfunctions in the Disk Storage Drive and Chapter 6 contains information which enables the perform corrective maintenance to keep the equip- CE to locate components, major assemblies, meters, ment in a state of readiness for the customer. The gages, etc., which are described by the instructions CE must have completed prior IBM training for this contained in the manual. equipment, and must be familiar with practical ap- Chapter 7 consists of a supplement which pro- plications of the maintenance concept and techniques vides alternate procedures applicab

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