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Now downloading free:IBM C20-1690-0 1130 Computing System Users Guide

IBM C20-1690-0 1130 Computing System Users Guide free download

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File name C20-1690-0_1130_Computing_System_Users_Guide.pdf

C20-1690-0 13 JAN 1970 IBM 1130 Computing System User's Guide This manual, covering a wide range of subjects that are of interest to 1130 customer personnel, is designed for insertion in a workbook along with user-generated materials. It deals with the steps to be considered in any successful installation program: preinstallation planning, documenting current applications~Cdesign of new appfica- tions, conversion, program development, testing, and program documentation. Additional topics discussed include the 1130 system, the 1130 Monitor, Job Management, Disk Management, Core Management, File Organization, Disk Data Storage, FORTRAN and the Commer- cial Subroutine Package, Sorting and System Evaluation - Performance. It is suggested that the User's Guide be placed in a binder and that dividers be inserted before the various sections. The resulting workbook becomes the single major source of installation guidance when you include your own data processing policies, standards, and control forms. IBM 1130 Computing System This first reprint contains a few minor changes to the original edition, but does not in any way obsolete the original edition. Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM branch offices. Address comments concerning the contents of this publication to: IBM, Technical Publications Department, 112 East Post Road, White Plains, N.Y. 10601 Section Subsections Page 01 00 I 00 01 READER'S GUIDE INTRODUCTION service involved many considerations. Its need was studied, its function determined, an announcement This section is intended as a guide to help you get date selected, etc. the most out of this manual. Because of the magni- In both cases, management: tude of the manual and the differing needs of various

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