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Now downloading free:Keithley 2665 Strategic Fabrication

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A G R E AT E R M E A S U R E O F C O N F I D E N C E with the skills needed to develop new elec- trical test methodologies for new materials and translate the volumes of data these tests will produce into usable process knowledge. While this level of expertise is often avail- able in the lab environment, it's often diffi- cult to transfer that knowledge to the produc- tion setting. In order to remain competitive, test suppliers and fabs will need to form even deeper partnerships and cooperative devel- opment initiatives in order to create new test methodologies to ramp up new processes based on new materials. One of the first steps test vendors must take in helping the industry adjust to the new materials and new test methodologies is Strategic Fabrication working with fabs to better distinguish be- tween commodity testing and value-added or strategic testing. The perception within Demands the IC industry is that the cost of test per

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