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Now downloading free:Keithley 600B(Model60B)

Keithley 600B(Model60B) free download

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CONTENTS SPECIFICATIONS MODEL 600B SPECIFICATIONS 7 CONNECTORS: Input: Teflon4nrulared UHF Type. Out- puo: &wrier srrip. BATTERIES: Four 2N6 (or 246. VS305. NEDA 1602,; one RM.IW. 700waur lxmerv life DIMENSIONS. WEIGHT: 10~1/4" high x S-112" wide x 6-l/2" deep: net weight. 7.114 poundo. ACCESSORIES SUPPLIED: Mating input connector. 0872R MODEL 6008 ELECTROMETER GENERAL DESCRIPTION SECTION 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION uremenfs with a minimum of adjustment. Zero drift with rime is less than 2 m" per day. zero offset due to temperature change is less than 200 microwits per %. after a ,O-minute warm-up. This offset, however. can easily be compensated for with the front-panel zero controls. b. fast wnrm UD is an inherent characteristic ok this Electrometer. It can be used well wiehin 30 minutes of a cold scare on the mose sensitive range and nlmosc immediately on less sensitive ranges. d. `the ,"O-hour life ai rhe batteries enables us- age in long-term experiments xiehauc interruptions

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