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Now downloading free:Keithley 230RevC DocSpec

Keithley 230RevC DocSpec free download

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File name 230RevC_DocSpec.pdf

.CC"lucI TEMPE"AnJt!E ,I ".%"I cDERl"LM,P; IEEEP88 MuttOh BUS IMPLEMENTATION Commmds: DCL. UO. 1220 and 2301 SDC. GET, GTL. UNT. UNL. SPE, MAXJIUUY mr RINOE 0rnu-r UVC4-C SUE wuwb2r.SPC SPD. Irn " fl0r.m "* 0.05 %+ x&n" %wN O.cc5%- o,hv LIntline Commands: IFC, REN. EOI. SRQ ATN. 10 " f19995 " Oc5%*lanv snv*r lo*" Imwiacm Functicms: Ml. AHI. TI. TEO L4. Ltio, SRI. RLl. PR). Del.' 1 " r 1.9995 " 0.05 %r In?" m "V O.c.x%* 25"" DTI. m. El. MAxfMUM CURRENT LIMIT: f l@hA t -0. l 209b,. "X lUlla bmm,. ED,. 5 GRAM MODE, Rar SELECTABLE CURRENT UMTT: ISOURCE. I-LIMIT. -_._ i 1-h (-0, +ZO%), * 20mA C-j, +20%), i_ 2mA (i 20%) M sulur. Diirtal son T< Dloi~ "- - up to k 5OV on output. *t higher volWges subtract 15% OL-. ..~.._. .._~ _____.. ,._, from ZmA raw..c lower limit. drmmcrrL&a. IncuErsor- -.. I_.. O,,l-F-"T CONNECTlONS: FNbm" tinding am.s to, OUTt'"T. OUTPUT ..--- -...-- - __I._I_. Moda( 1019A: ""bema, Rack Mounting Kti SENSE, COMMDN. COMMON SENSE, CHASSIS and BNC ichads Modd 1019% Univnvl Rti Mounc,ng K?, ,Jh, I Dolnd, rxemmom to, EXTERNAL TRIGGER INPUT ana OUTPUT. AI Moded T%?: IEEE488 Cab* I3 h.,

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